As we celebrate this Year of Hope, you’re invited to experience the Shrine of St. Anthony – a pilgrimage site for the Archdiocese of Baltimore – in a uniquely Franciscan way. A pilgrimage is the act of leaving one’s home to travel to a holy place, and whether your travels are five miles or 500 miles, we hope you’ll join us for these days of learning, prayer, reflection, and hope.
Each of these pilgrimage experiences will feature a themed tour of the Shrine of St. Anthony, Mass, and an afternoon activity on the Folly Quarter campus. While each event centers on the theme of hope, the Franciscan ideals and saints highlighted will vary based on the event. Pilgrimage events are led by Ray Glennon, OFS, and include contributions from Shrine Director Friar Gary Johnson, OFM Conv, and other friars in residence.
Pilgrimage tours will begin at 10 a.m. in the courtyard of the Shrine, followed by time for Adoration ahead of the 12 p.m. daily Mass in the Shrine chapel. Pilgrims are encouraged to bring a bag lunch to enjoy with other visitors ahead of the afternoon activity. Pilgrims should be aware that portions of the day will include walking to various outdoor landmarks. If inclement weather affects the safety of pilgrims, events will move indoors.
Registration for the following pilgrimage events is encouraged.
If you're unable to attend one of the following times, but would like to schedule a similar experience with a group, please contact the Shrine office at 410-531-2801.
The tour of the Shrine and grounds will include an emphasis on the hope that comes with new beginnings. Located down the hill from the Shrine of St. Anthony sits Little Portion Farm, a nonprofit farm providing fresh, organic produce to organizations feeding those in need in our region. Our tour will include a reflection on the spring planting season and the hope that comes every Spring, even during Lent. After a tour Shrine courtyard and chapel, pilgrims are encouraged to attend daily Mass, eat a bagged lunch in the dining hall, and then join in at 1:30 p.m. for outdoor Stations of the Cross.
Register Here.As we head into the week of our patron saint’s Feast Day (June 13), we invite you to a special extended tour of the Shrine of St. Anthony with even more details about his life and ministry. After the tour, pilgrims are encouraged to attend daily Mass, eat a bagged lunch in the dining hall and then join in for a walk to the St. Anthony Garden of Eternity. We’ll have a short reflection and time for prayer in the garden.
Register Here