“To write a book on prayer is not so difficult, but to actually pray—that is another matter.” (M. Casey , Toward God, pg 53) If you are reading this than I sense that you are person who prays, one who desires to pray better, one who wants to want to pray or at least one who thinks that you should be praying. In 1978, an article appeared by Wendy Mary Beckett in a periodical called Clergy Review (February 1978, vol. LXIII no.255 pgs 42-45) entitled Simple Prayer. During this talk on prayer, I’ll be sharing some insights from this powerful teaching, and insights that I have gleaned from my personal spiritual reading- in my own quest to become a person of prayer. As Holy Week and Easter 2024 approach, and as we prepare to enter the Fifty days of the Liturgical Easter Season, might this conversation about prayer lead us to an approach to the sacred act that is in fact meaningful and pleasing in God’s eyes. Friar Gary